Internal links and pairs as a new tool for the analysis of bipartite complex networks

Oussama Allali, Lionel Tabourier, Clémence Magnien, Matthieu Latapy

Social Network Analysis and Mining, March 2013, Volume 3, Issue 1, pp 85-91.

Many real-world complex networks are best modeled as bipartite (or 2-mode) graphs, where nodes are divided into two sets with links connecting one side to the other. However, there is currently a lack of methods to analyze properly such graphs as most existing measures and methods are suited to classical graphs. A usual but limited approach consists in deriving 1-mode graphs (called projections) from the underlying bipartite structure, though it causes important loss of information and data storage issues. We introduce here internal links and pairs as a new notion useful for a bipartite analysis, and which gives insights on the information lost by projecting the bipartite graph. We illustrate the relevance of theses concepts on several real-world instances illustrating how it enables to discriminate behaviors among various cases when we compare them to a benchmark of random graphs. Then, we show that we can draw benefit from this concept for both modeling complex networks and storing them in a compact format.


Internal links prediction: a new approach for predicting links in bipartite graphs

Oussama Allali, Clémence Magnien and Matthieu Latapy

Dynamic Networks and Knowledge Discovery, special issue of Intelligent Data Analysis, 7 (1), 5-25, 2013

Many real-world complex networks, like actor-movie or le-provider relations, have a bipartite nature and evolve over time. Predicting links that will appear in them is one of the main approach to understand their dynamics. Only few works address the bipartite case, though, despite its high practical interest and the specic challenges it raises. We dene in this paper the notion of internal links in bipartite graphs and propose a link prediction method based on them. We thoroughly describe the method and its variations, and experimentally compare it to a basic collaborative ltering approach. We present results obtained for a typical practical case. We reach the conclusion that our method performs very well, and we study in details how its parameters may inuence obtained results.


Link prediction in bipartite graphs using internal links and weighted projection

Oussama Allali, Clémence Magnien and Matthieu Latapy

Proceedings of the third International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (Netscicom 2011), In conjunction with IEEE Infocom 2011.

Many real-world complex networks, like client-product or file-provider relations, have a bipartite nature and evolve during time. Predicting links that will appear in them is one of the main approach to understand their dynamics. Only few works address the bipartite case, though, despite its high practical interest and the specific challenges it raises. We define in this paper the notion of internal links in bipartite graphs and propose a link prediction method based on them. We describe the method and experimentally compare it to a basic collaborative filtering approach. We present results obtained for two typical practical cases. We reach the conclusion that our method performs very well, and that internal links play an important role in bipartite graphs and their dynamics.


Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks

Matthieu Latapy, Clémence Magnien and Nathalie Del Vecchio

Social Networks (2008), vol. 30, no1, pp. 31-48

Many large real-world networks actually have a 2-mode nature: their nodes may be separated into two classes, the links being between nodes of different classes only. Despite this, and despite the fact that many ad-hoc tools have been designed for the study of special cases, very few exist to analyse (describe, extract relevant information) such networks in a systematic way. We propose here an extension of the most basic notions used nowadays to analyse large 1-mode networks (the classical case) to the 2-mode case. To achieve this, we introduce a set of simple statistics, which we discuss by comparing their values on a representative set of real-world networks and on their random versions. This makes it possible to evaluate their relevance in capturing properties of interest in 2-mode networks.


Bipartite graphs as Models of Complex Networks

Jean-Loup Guillaume and Matthieu Latapy

Physica A 371, pages 795-813, 2006. Extended abstract published in LNCS, proceedings of the 1-st international workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking CAAN’04, 2004, Banff, Canada

It appeared recently that the classical random graph model used to represent real-world complex networks does not capture their main properties. Since then, various attempts have been made to provide accurate models. We study here the first model which achieves the following challenges: it produces graphs which have the three main wanted properties (clustering, degree distribution, average distance), it is based on some real-world observations, and it is sufficiently simple to make it possible to prove its main properties. This model consists in sampling a random bipartite graph with prescribed degree distribution. Indeed, we show that any complex network can be viewed as a bipartite graph with some specific characteristics, and that its main properties can be viewed as consequences of this underlying structure. We also propose a growing model based on this observation.


Bipartite Structure of all Complex Networks

Jean-Loup Guillaume and Matthieu Latapy

Information Processing Letters (IPL) 90:5, pages 215-221, 2004

The analysis and modelling of various complex networks has received much attention in the last few years. Some such networks display a natural bipartite structure: two kinds of nodes coexist with links only between nodes of different kinds. This bipartite structure has not been deeply studied until now, mainly because it appeared to be specific to only a few complex networks. However, we show here that all complex networks can be viewed as bipartite structures sharing some important statistics, like degree distributions. The basic properties of complex networks can be viewed as consequences of this underlying bipartite structure. This leads us to propose the first simple and intuitive model for complex networks which captures the main properties met in practice.
