UDP Ping: a dedicated tool for improving measurements of the Internet topology

Fabien Tarissan, Elie Rotenberg, Matthieu Latapy, Christophe Crespelle

IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecomunication Systems (MASCOTS’14), At Paris, France

The classical approach for Internet topology measurement consists in distributively collecting as much data as possible and merging it into one single piece of topology on which are conducted subsequent analysis. Although this approach may seem reasonable, in most cases network measurements performed in this way suffer from some or all of the following limitations: they give only partial views of the networks under concern, these views may be intrinsically biased, and they contain erroneous data due to the measurement tools. Here we present a new tool, named UDP Ping , that relies on a very different approach for the measurement of the Internet topology. Its basic principle is to measure the interface of a given target directed toward a monitor which sends the measurement probe. We demonstrate how to use it to deploy real world-wide measurements that provide reliable (i.e. bias and error free) knowledge of the Internet topology, namely the degree distribution of routers in the core Internet in our example.
