By Pierre Baumann and Guillaume Moinard. Source code in C.
Please cite: Stream Graphs and Link Streams for the Modeling of Interactions over Time. Social Network Analysis and Mining 8 (2018): 1-29.
- Computing diversity in Heterogeneous Information Networks (python version).
By Alexis Baudin. Source code in C++.
Please cite: BBK: a simpler, faster algorithm for enumerating maximal bicliques in large sparse bipartite graphs.
By Alexis Baudin. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Faster maximal clique enumeration in large real-world link streams. Journal of Graphs Algorithms and Applications, vol.28(1), 149–178, 2024.
By Julien Karadayi and Lionel Tabourier. Source code in python.
Please cite: Probabilistic k-swap method for uniform graph generation beyond the configuration model. Journal of Complex Networks, vol.12(1), 2024.
By Alexis Baudin. Source code in C++.
Please cite: LSCPM: Communities in Massive Real-World Link Streams by Clique Percolation Method. TIME 2023.
By Fabrice Lécuyer. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Tailored vertex ordering for faster triangle listing in large graphs. ALENEX 2023.
By Frédéric Simard, Clémence Magnien, Matthieu Latapy. Source code in Python.
Please cite: Computing Betweenness Centrality in Link Stream. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 27:3, 2023.
By Nouamane Arhachoui. Source code in Python.
Please cite: A Fast Algorithm for Ranking Users by their Influence in Online Social Platforms. ASONAM 2022.
By Esteban Bautista Ruiz. Source code in Python.
Please cite: A local updating algorithm for Personalized PageRank via Chebyshev Polynomials. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2022, vol. 12, no 1, p. 1-11.
By Ioanis Panagiotas. Source code in C.
Please cite: Compressing bipartite graphs with a dual reordering scheme. ArXiv preprint arXiv:2209.12062.
By Pedro Ramaciotti Morales. Source code in Python.
Please cite: Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 2021, vol.859, p. 80-115.
By Robin Lamarche-Perrin. Source code in R.
Please cite: Measuring diversity in heterogeneous information networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 2021, vol.859, p. 80-115.
By Jules Azad Emery. Source code in Python.
Please cite: Full Bitcoin Blockchain Data Made Easy. ASONAM 2021.
By Alexis Baudin. Source code in C.
Please cite: Clique percolation method: memory efficient almost exact communities. ADMA 2021.
By Fabrice Lécuyer. Source code in C++.
Please cite: [Re] Speedup Graph Processing by Graph Ordering. ReScience C 7, 1 (3), 2021.
By Alexandre Wilmet. Python library.
Please cite: Role of the Website Structure in the Diversity of Browsing Behaviors. Hypertext 2019.
By Lionel Tabourier. Source code in OCaml.
Please cite: RankMerging: a supervised learning-to-rank framework to predict links in large social networks. Machine Learning Journal 2019.
By Yannis Siglidis. Source code in Python.
Uses Distances and latencies in link streams, by Frédéric Simard; Closeness centrality in link streams, by Marwan Ghanem (see below); Maximal clique enumeration in link streams, by Tiphaine Viard (see below).
By Marwan Ghanem. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Centrality metrics in dynamic networks: a comparison study. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2018.
By Tiphaine Viard. Source code in Python.
Please cite: Enumerating maximal cliques in link streams with durations. Information Processing Letters, 2018.
By Robin Lamarche-Perrin. Source code in C++.
Please cite: An information-theoretic framework for the lossy compression of link streams. Theoretical Computer Science 2018.
By Maximilien Danisch. Source code in C.
Please cite: Listing k-cliques in Sparse Real-World Graphs. WWW 2018.
By Léonard Panichi. Source code in C++.
Please cite: An information-theoretic framework for the lossy compression of link streams. Theoretical Computer Science 2018.
By Maximilien Danisch. Source code in C.
Please cite: Large Scale Density-friendly Graph Decomposition via Convex Programming. WWW 2017.
By Matthieu Latapy and Elie Rotenberg. Source code in C.
Please cite: Rigorous Measurement of the Internet Degree Distribution. Complex Systems 2017.
By Maximilien Danisch. Source code in C.
Please cite: Finding Heaviest k-Subgraphs and Events in Social Media. ICDM Workshops 2016.
By Matthieu Latapy, Clémence Magnien and Frédéric Ouedraogo. Source code in C.
Please cite: A Radar for the Internet. Complex Systems 2011.
By Lionel Tabourier. Source code in OCaml.
Please cite: Generating constrained random graphs using multiple edge switches. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 2011.
By Clémence Magnien and Matthieu Latapy. Source code in C.
Please cite: Fast Computation of Empirically Tight Bounds for the Diameter of Massive Graphs. Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 2009.
By Matthieu Latapy. Source code in C.
Please cite: Main-memory Triangle Computations for Very Large (Sparse (Power-Law)) Graphs. Theoretical Computer Science 2008.
By Matthieu Latapy. Source code in C.
Please cite: Basic Notions for the Analysis of Large Two-mode Networks. Social Networks 2008.
By Vincent Blondel, Jean-Loup Guillaume, Renaud Lambiotte and Etienne Lefebvre. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Fast unfolding of communities in large networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2008.
By Paris traceroute team. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Avoiding traceroute anomalies with Paris traceroute. SIGCOMM 2006.
By Pascal Pons. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Computing communities in large networks using random walks. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 2006.
By Fabien Viger. Source code in C++.
Please cite: Random generation of large connected simple graphs with prescribed degree distribution. COCOON 2005.